The first time I got Little Miss Monster to eat pasta! (Of course it was the pasta that Daddy made =)
Both hubs and I are trying to lose weight. He's on Weight Watchers and is doing very well. Me...not so much. I do well when we eat together (dinner). It's during the day (breakfast/lunch) that gets me. Instead if eating meals, I'm picking, or grabbing whatever I can on our way out the door. Not good, I know....I'm working on it.
Anyway, here's a recipe that my husband came up with the other night:
French Onion Pasta
4 cups cooked whole wheat pasta
1 large onion (red or white) sliced thin
16 oz no fat beef stock
8 slices turkey bacon
1 Tablespoon olive oil
salt, pepper, thyme to taste
8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese (lowfat part skim)
Crisp turkey bacon in pan and remove from heat. Cook pasta to just before al dente. Add oil and onion to bacon pan. Saute until transparent. Tirn up heat and add stock. Drain pasta and put in pan. Do not rinse pasta before adding to pan, the starch helps thicken the sauce. When the sauce coats the pasta it is done. Add salt, pepper, thyme to taste and portion into four bowls. Top each portion with 2 oz mozzarella cheese and two slices of chopped bacon.
8 points plus per serving