This weekend was garden weekend. Saturday morning my husband and I packed up the gardening tools, plants, and a whole lotta toys to keep Babygirl occupied. The goal was to get the whole plot (20x20) weeded and hopefully start planting. Thanks to a friend with a rototiller the weeding part was no problem. As we were hauling the weeds to the compost pile, Little Miss Monster arrived :) That was it, she'd had enough. (She really did great, we were there about an hour and a half between all the set up and work). Planting would have to wait.
Sunday afternoon I returned to the garden (by myself) and planted 21 tomato plants, 4 basil plants, 2 broccoli plants, 4 kale plants, 4 red peppers and 2 eggplants. If the weather holds, I'll be returning to the garden today to put down newspaper and straw around the plants. Hopefully that will help slow the weeds. Later in the week I hope to finish the planting.
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