Monday, July 13, 2015

A Year of Projects 2015-2016 Week 2

My first update and I'm already making changes to my list, lol.  I've decided not to participate in the Picnic Basket CAL afterall.  I think I'm going to replace it with my Celtic Cables Craftsy Class.  The yarn for that is already in my stash and summer vacation seems like a good time to start the class.

There was not much knitting/crocheting this week.  I managed to add a few rows to both my projects but that's about it.  Summer vacation has been busier than expected.  It should let up a bit after this week.

This week's photos:

Wrapped in Warmth

 I was able to get through my UFOs basket and picked two projects to complete this quarter.  There's no pattern for the orange project.  It's going to be a bag, I'm just making it up as I go along.  When it was started the goal was to use up the Orange yarn.

The next UFO up is the Stolen Moments wrap.  The yarn is Fishermans Wool by Lion Brand.  I dyed the yarn with Kool Aid a few years ago.

This week's goal is to spend at least 20 minutes a day knitting or crocheting.  It's the only way I'm ever going to get any of these projects finished.



  1. I'm tempted to make changes to my list every time I read a new post in the Year Of Projects lineup. I'm sure my list will be changing, but I have to pace myself. So I'm holding off for a few weeks. :^) I love the colors in that orange bag you're making! Can't wait to see the completed item.

    1. I know what you mean. I (re)joined this challenge to help keep myself focused, but now I just want to add tons of new projects!

  2. Lists change all the time that's the great thing about YOP year, nobody holds you accountable to the original list, which is quite good as I've not had a year yet where it hasn't changed in some form so I say go for it! Lots of progress made on your projects this week and I love the oranges in what will be your orange bag. Ruth

    1. I'm ok with the changing part, I just need to keep myself focused so I finish something, lol. My knit/crochet time is limited, and I tend to have too many projects going at once. Which means I never finish anything. :(

  3. Yeah, I understand I added a bunch of things this week and now have to take off a couple off the list. Your hitchhiker looks great and the kool aid dyed yarn sounds like it was a fun project. It'll be fun to say you dyed and knit it when it's complete.

  4. Love the orange yarn and your self dyed!! My list is constantly changing as projects get pushed back, while new ones appear. I'm a sucker for a good MKAL!!

  5. Love the orange project. I'm a big fan of striping yarns together- particularly when I've got some I want to use up. Changing your list is a Year of Projects tradition, I think!
