Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Year of Projects 2017-2018: Third Times a Charm???

Let's hope this goes better than last year.   I keep saying it, but I've really got to get my stash under control!  It's gotten to the point where I'm overwhelmed by it.  In January I got a new spinning wheel so now I've really started adding fiber as well.  Something has to give, lol.

I'm going to keep my goals short term, I work better that way.  As long as I can get some stash used up, I'll be happy.  I'll start here by posting quarterly goals.

I'm currently participating in a summer cal/kal in a stash busting group I'm in.  The goal is to complete 13 projects in 15 weeks.  It started in May, but I just joined in last week.  I'll be happy completing anything.  I've also signed up for the Tour de Fleece.  So for the month of July the goal is to spin everyday. (I believe there are 2 days of rest.).

Here's my list of goals:
1. Textured Triangle Shawl
2. Continue ELF Cap KAL
3. Finish blue/brown socks
4. Spin everyday in July
5. Crocheted Shawl
6. 2 Water bottle holders
7. July KAL
8. Evergreen Tunic
9. Finish one UFO (tbd)
10. Baby washcloths
11. Open
12. Open


  1. So glad you are giving it another go around here. Your list is great. I can see you making every one of your goals. I am in love with that textured triangle shawl and am going to put that in my library today. Have fun spinning this month and will love to see the finished fiber you create.

  2. Best of luck completing your stash busting goals, that should work brilliantly with your quaterly goals as well, great idea! Looking forward to seeing all the items work up and best of luck with the spinning in July, Ruth

  3. I'm glad you're joining in. I understand how busy it is with a little one (BTW, she is adorbs from that photo in your projects.). When my firstborn joined our family, my mum always said, "She rules the roost." You have a solid, good list. I'll be looking forward to reading and seeing your progress this year.

  4. What a great, realistic list. Hope the spinning goes well this month and I look forward to seeing your projects.

  5. What a great, realistic list. Hope the spinning goes well this month and I look forward to seeing your projects.

  6. That's an awesome list! I already saw 2 things I want to make! Not a good sign for! So many interesting projects and I am with you on wanting to finish some things...I'm really bad about that! I'm so glad you came back and I hope we can encourage each other to 'stay the course'!

  7. Welcome back! I can totally relate to your goal of getting your stash under control! Every finish is a win!

  8. Being able to tailor our lists to what works best for us is one of the things I LOVE about the Year of Projects. I'm with you on wanting to use up stash (or make progress toward that goal, anyway). I look forward to seeing all your craftiness, Jen!

  9. Tour de Fleece is such a great motivator - I won't be joining this year because I am away from my wheel, but it really helped improve my spinning. I look forward to watching your progress with all your projects this coming year. I must say 13 projects in 15 weeks! That is quite the commitment.
