Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

Wip Wednesdays:

WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:

The past week has been about charity knitting.  I'm halfway through scarf #4.  It feels good to get these knitted up for Project Linus.

I've worked a bit on the yellow socks, but it's slowgoing because I'm at the heel and need to concentrate.  This has been one crazy week so there has not been much time for these!  Most of my knittin gwas done in the car this week.  Scarves make great travel projects.

Babygirl and I are headed down to visit Grandma and Grandpa this weekend which usually translates into some knitting time for me as Grandma and Grandpa usually take over ;)

J is for Jam and Jelly

This summer I need to restock my pantry with jelly and jam.  I tried to make some last summer but it didn't set right.  It was weird because I spoke to many people who had the same problem.  I'm hoping this year turns out better.  I have no Strawberry Lemon Marmalade left.  This will be my third year making this recipe, my family was not happy that it did not set correctly last summer.  Strawberry syrup is good, but not as good as jam!  We're down to our last 4 jars of peach and apple jelly.  So I will be making them as well.  I'm hoping to get a good crop of raspberries this year.  I'd like to try and make some raspberry jam.  We shall see.

It should be interesting trying to get all this done with a toddler running around!

I is for Ice Cream!

All the ice cream stands around here are starting to open!  My favorite is about 40 minutes from here, yes, the ice cream is that good!  The other night we were talking at my knitting on else has been there. WHAT??? They have all lived here for a long time/most of their lives, I moved here 5 years ago.  I can't believe it!  We;re in the process of planning a little field trip when it warms up a bit.  I can't wait!

H is for Hairbows

Babygirl is acquiring quite the collection of hairbows.  Most have come from Etsy.  It's amazing how many different hairbows are out there. (Says the girl who uses a black ponytail holder at most ;) )  At this point there are hairbows all over the top of Babygirl's dresser.  I've got an idea for a hairbow holder, hopefully soon I will get the chance to sit down and make it.

Garden Fun

Playing catch up as I missed a few days due to life....

In addition to my backyard garden, this summer I've joined the community garden.  This weekend we went up there and planted peas and onions.  I've already planted peas, carrots, beets, radish and spinach in the backyard garden.  I'm hoping for some nice weather in the coming days so Babygirl and I can get up to the garden and do some more weeding.  The plot is 20x20, so I've been weeding as I go along.  For my  backyard garden I use the Square Foot Gardening Method.  At the community garden I am doing a modified version of this.

I can't wait for the weather to warm up for good so we can get all our crops in.  We're planning on lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, corn, potatoes, basil, parsley, cilantro, broccoli, squash (2 types), watermelon and honeydew.  Hopefully it will be a good farming year and we will have lots of yummy eats!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Finally Friday!

For whatever reason, this week has felt very long!  We're looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.  We'll be staying home for Easter this year, as we will be going to visit family later in the month and will celebrate then.

Tomorrow we are taking Babygirl to see some chicks and ducks.  We decided to skip the local Easter egg hunt as I feel she's still a bit young.  Well, that and she's not walking yet so I have visions of her getting trampled by some bigger kids ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for Easter fun!

Shhh...don't tell:  We're working on a Secret Project!

Today Babygirl tried fingerpainting for the first time! We are turning her fingerpainted (ovals) Easter Eggs into Easter cards. 

During naptime I grabbed some scrapbooking paper, computer paper, and yellow paint.  I searched the internet for a cute Easter poem and printed out copies. While Babygirl was sleeping I cut cards out of the scrapbooking page, cut the ovals from the white paper and glued the poems into the cards.  I can't share a photo until after the cards have been given out :)

The fingerpainting went well.  At first she tried to put the paint in her mouth.  Once I showed her what to do she enjoyed it.  I can't wait to explore fingerpainting  some more with Babygirl.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Donation (also a Wednesdays Wips Post)

Cheating and combing two blog hops in one post:

Wip Wednesdays:
WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:

and Blogging From A to Z Challenge in the month of April:

Spring cleaning has begun within my circle of friends.  Two of us have cleaned out/lightened up our yarn stashes during the last few weeks.  We both donated our yarn to Girl Scouts and Project Linus.  There was an overabundance of eyelash/novelty yarn in the donations.  After giving a bunch to Girl Scouts for craft projects I decided to knit some scarves up for Project Linus.  That way they can sell/raffle the scarves and take the money to buy supplies to make more blankets.

Here's scarf #1 (completed)

and scarf #2 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C is for Cloth Diapers

We love our cloth!  Currently we are using Flips, Thirsties and Sunbabies with Babygirl.  Babygirl has been in cloth since about 3 weeks old.  (For the first three weeeks it was tough to get diapers to fit her correctly.)  Since then we haven't looked back. 

At the moment her Daddy prefers the Sunbabies while I prefer the Flips.  (We only have one Thirstie at the moment.  But I'm thinking about adding a few more ;) )

We have enough diapers that I only do a diaper laundry every 3-4 days.  I make a homemade detergent to use on the diapers but that's about it.  I'm so glad we chose to cloth diaper Babygirl.  It's really working well for us!

*****I'm hoping to edit this post with some photos later on, but right now I've got a killer headache and am heading to catch a quick nap while Babygirl is napping.  Just wanted to get my A to Z post up as I don't know what the rest of the day will bring with this headache. *******

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bunnies and Books

Last year Babygirl was just a wee little baby for Easter.  Our Easter was pretty low key.  We went on her first trip down to my parents, I crocheted a basket and we took some pictures.  We skipped the whole Easter Bunny photos because we weren't taking her out and about yet.

This year we've been prepping for Easter by reading Bunny books:

And playing with bunnies: (There are more hiding in her room, but it's naptime, so they shall stay in hiding :) )

Last Saturday we had planned to go to an Easter event.  Unfortunately it got rained out.  There's another this Saturday so we will try again.  I'm wondering how the whole Bunny picture thing is going to go....Babygirl hasn't been around a costumed character yet. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fun!

April is going to be a funfilled month around here!  I have signed up for not one, but two blog challenges this month.  The first is the Blogging  From A to Z  Challenge in the month of April:

That one begins today with the letter A...Hence the title April Fun! ;)  Posts for this will focus on life with Little Miss Monster.
The next has to do with knitting and crocheting.  It's a week long challenge from April 23rd to April 29th:
Part of this challenge is posting on the same topic as other knitters and crocheters for the week.  This will probably be a little more challenging as topics are assigned.
Usually the craziness starts around here in May.  This year it looks like April will begin the chaos in our house.  I'm starting a new job, Babygirl and I will be talking a solo trip to see Grandma and Grandpa while Daddy stays behind to do some work on the house with some friends, we've got Easter,  a day in NYC planned with some friends, a family wedding, and planting the garden.  We've already got something booked every weekend.  Oh boy!