Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

Wip Wednesdays:

WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:

I've finished Chart 1 of Solar Flare!  I'm so excited.  I absolutely love this pattern and yarn.  The yarn is Ulndi by ...into the whirled colorway Fourteen dot Twelve.  This is my first time working with into the whirled yarn and I love it!  I can't wait to get some more at NY Sheep and Wool this fall.  (The only reason I'm not getting it before is I'm on a serious yarn diet.  Way too much yarn (with way too little time to knit/crochet).

I've added a few rows to both WIP socks, but no real progress to speak of.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gardening: Community Garden

This weekend was garden weekend.  Saturday morning my husband and I packed up the gardening tools, plants, and a whole lotta toys to keep Babygirl occupied.  The goal was to get the whole plot (20x20) weeded and hopefully start planting.  Thanks to a friend with a rototiller the weeding part was no problem.  As we were hauling the weeds to the compost pile, Little Miss Monster arrived :) That was it, she'd had enough.  (She really did great, we were there about an hour and a half between all the set up and work).  Planting would have to wait. 

Sunday afternoon I returned to the garden (by myself) and planted 21 tomato plants, 4 basil plants, 2 broccoli plants, 4 kale plants, 4 red peppers and 2 eggplants. If the weather holds, I'll be returning to the garden today to put down newspaper and straw around the plants.  Hopefully that will help slow the weeds.  Later in the week I hope to finish the planting.

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Friday, May 25, 2012

Lists: 10 Things to do this summer

I love lists!  I love making lists and I love crossing things off lists.  This list is for Little Miss Monster. 

Ten Things We Will Do This Summer

  1. go to the beach
  2. visit the zoo  6/03/2012
  3. plant a garden
  4. visit three local parks
  5. spend a whole day visiting with Miss J
  6. run (okay maybe toddle) through the sprinkler
  7. get messy: finger paint, play with oobleck, etc
  8. blow bubbles
  9. go for a walk on the rail trail
  10. visit a farm

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

Wip Wednesdays:

WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:

Returning after a bit of an unplanned break from blogging :)

No pictures today as I am trying to get this up before Babygirl wakes up.

I started Solar Flare (Ravelry link) last night.  I am loving it.  I purchase the yarn/pattern at NY Sheep and Wool back in October. This is the first time I've worked with Into The Whirl's Yarn and it is so soft!  ITW is a definite on my Sheep and Wool list for this year!

I finished a plain vanilla sock on Saturday and started it's mate this week.  I've also been working on the second Bellatrix sock.  These three things will be my focus for a bit.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Time flies!

Seriously, I think the older I get the faster time goes.  Life around here has been absolutely crazy the past month and a half.  I expect May to be rough as we have a lot of family birthdays/anniversaries...but this year April was insane too!

The other day I was looking around my house trying to figure out why I just couldn't catch up with the cleaning and laundry.  It was then that I realized I hadn't been home 3 out of the last 4 weekends.  That'll do it!

A few days of really focusing on household chores and I'm good to go :) Now that I've caught up on the homefront I will be returning to blogging.