I'm so excited!!! Melissa and Doug have just released their 2012 Terrific Twenty Holiday Toys List. Just in time for me to begin my holiday shopping. A few things from the list have made it on to *my* shopping list! First, the new tie-dye swirl trunki really
caught my eye. Babygirl got the Rubi trunki last year, but I'm
seriously considering adding the pink swirl to her collection! We often
use her Trunki when we go to visit Grandma and Grandpa, but she also
uses it to put toys in and pull them around the house.
Here at Baby Is Boss! we love Melissa and Doug! Babygirl's toybin is already filled with so
many wonderful Melissa and Doug toys and puzzles. Babygirl loves the
toys because they are fun, while I love the fact that they are
educational and high quality. In addition to the Trunki, Santa's eyeing the bella butterfly tea set for Babygirl. And possibly the switch and spin magnetic gears toy. Seriously I just love Melissa and Doug! This mailbox is just too cute! From my own childhood, fashionplates like these kept me busy for hours!
The wonderful people at Melissa and Doug are giving away toys from the 2012 Terrific Twenty Holiday Toys list over on the Melissa and Doug Facebook page. Head on over and check it out! In addition to the giveaway on their facebook page, Melissa and Doug are allowing me to give away one item from the list to a reader!!! I'll be giving away the Switch and Spin Magnetic Gears Board. Be sure to enter on the Rafflecopter below.
After you enter here, be sure to stop by my friend Nancy's blog Stuff Mom Loves and enter there as well! Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I was given a toy and offered one to giveaway to a reader for participating in this campaign. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
WIP Wednesday
Wip Wednesdays:
WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:
I've got two projects I'm currently working on. The first is a sweater I'm hoping to wear to NYS Sheep and Wool. I've got just about a month to get it finished! I've added a few rows since Sunday and am about to bindoff the left side.
The next is my travel project. This pair of socks lives in the car. Every so often I add a row, usually while I am waiting for the boys I watch to get out of school. These should be done soon.

I've got two projects I'm currently working on. The first is a sweater I'm hoping to wear to NYS Sheep and Wool. I've got just about a month to get it finished! I've added a few rows since Sunday and am about to bindoff the left side.
The next is my travel project. This pair of socks lives in the car. Every so often I add a row, usually while I am waiting for the boys I watch to get out of school. These should be done soon.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
YOP: Sunday Update
Yay! A Year of Projects update...on a Sunday! Between being sick and then going on vacation I've been slacking. Now it's crunch time. New York Sheep and Wool is just a little over a month away. I'm still hoping to wear my sweater. Yes, I'm aware that means I have to *finish* my sweater. Time to kick it in high gear.
Currently it looks like this:
I do think that if I really focus I will be able to get this done.
I've also got a pair of socks on the needles as my car project. Every now and then I can add a few rows while waiting for the boys I watch to get out of school. It shouldn't be much longer until these become FO's.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
We're back from vacation!
Back home and slowly recovering from four funfilled days in New York City! Hubby's on vacation so in addition to hanging out in NYC for a few days we've been doing lots of running around. We had a blast in Manhattan! I've got a few posts planned out in my head, I've just got to grab some time to sit down and write them. In the meantime here are some shots from NYC:
view from our hotel the first night
view from our hotel the first night
petting the sheep at the zoo
Disney store
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Once a Month Cooking: The September Edition
This month is all about breakfasts. This week I started watching two boys a few days a week before school. Knowing that I am not a morning person, I had to do something to help make our mornings easier. All summer Babygirl and I have been getting up around 7 and enjoying a leisurely morning routine. That ends this week!
I need 12 breakfasts for work days. My goal was to have 20 prepared. That way I'd have Mondays through Fridays covered in case something comes up.
Here's what I made for this month:
*Baked Oatmeal (Cinnamon and Peach) Muffins - I've got enough for
September and October. Babygirl started eating these a few months
ago. Every time I make them I add different fruit.
*Mini Zuchini Muffins: I've got 6 breakfast servings. When I made this recipe I
doubled it and also made bread to freeze.
*Pancakes and Sausage. So easy: First I cooked the sausage, then put it
in woopie pie pans and poured pancake batter over it. Baked it 12 minutes.
(I've got 6 servings)
Then rest of the days will be filled in with frozen waffles (Thank you Shop Rite for the recent sale! Pairing the sale with my coupons I was able to get waffles for 49 cents a box :) ), cereal or oatmeal.
I need 12 breakfasts for work days. My goal was to have 20 prepared. That way I'd have Mondays through Fridays covered in case something comes up.
Here's what I made for this month:
*Baked Oatmeal (Cinnamon and Peach) Muffins - I've got enough for
September and October. Babygirl started eating these a few months
ago. Every time I make them I add different fruit.
*Mini Zuchini Muffins: I've got 6 breakfast servings. When I made this recipe I
doubled it and also made bread to freeze.
*Pancakes and Sausage. So easy: First I cooked the sausage, then put it
in woopie pie pans and poured pancake batter over it. Baked it 12 minutes.
(I've got 6 servings)
Then rest of the days will be filled in with frozen waffles (Thank you Shop Rite for the recent sale! Pairing the sale with my coupons I was able to get waffles for 49 cents a box :) ), cereal or oatmeal.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A Year of Projects and Wips Wednesday Update
It's been a while since I posted for A Year of Projects and Wips Wednesday. This viral thing really knocked me on my butt. Still not 100%, but I think it's mostly allergies at this point. Allergies this early for me, does not bode well for the season. Hopefully the allergy meds will kick in soon!
On to the fun stuff:
and a little bit of cheating here, also:
I didn't start knitting/crocheting again until Friday night. A friend hosted a small knit night at her house. I took my sweater with me. I added a few rows to the left front, which is almost done now:
The plan is to wear this to Sheep and Wool the weekend of October 20/21. Guess who needs to get her butt in gear!?!
Other than that I'm crocheting a washcloth for my goddaughter. She was recently up for a visit and saw Babygirl's washcloths and decided she'd like pink and purple "yarn washcloths" for her birthday. That's become my travel project as I start babysitting again today. I'll work on them while I wait for the boys to get out of school.
That's it for me. I look forward to checking in with the others at A Year of Projects and Tami's Amis Wips Wednesday to see what everyone else is working on this week!
On to the fun stuff:
and a little bit of cheating here, also:
I didn't start knitting/crocheting again until Friday night. A friend hosted a small knit night at her house. I took my sweater with me. I added a few rows to the left front, which is almost done now:
The plan is to wear this to Sheep and Wool the weekend of October 20/21. Guess who needs to get her butt in gear!?!
Other than that I'm crocheting a washcloth for my goddaughter. She was recently up for a visit and saw Babygirl's washcloths and decided she'd like pink and purple "yarn washcloths" for her birthday. That's become my travel project as I start babysitting again today. I'll work on them while I wait for the boys to get out of school.
That's it for me. I look forward to checking in with the others at A Year of Projects and Tami's Amis Wips Wednesday to see what everyone else is working on this week!
Wordless Wednesday
Thought I'd come back with a nice easy post. Still not feeling 100%, but I *think* it's all allergies now.
Checking out the "flowers" while apple picking.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Year of Projects: An (un)Update
Just a quick note for anyone stopping by from a Year of Projects. I've got nuttin'. Babygirls got strep and I'm down with a viral throat thing. There has been absolutely no knitting/crocheting this week. I hope to catch up on reading blogs later in the week. Babygirl (and in turn mommy too) slept through the night for the first time in a week last night. So hopefully she's on the mend.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
4 Months Until Christmas!
Yup, I went there ;)
I love Christmas. Normally around June/July I'll start picking up things for Christmas and making my list. I started that to help me with the knit/crochet gifts planning. As this year's theme is "Selfish Crafting" I don't have to worry too much about that. (Selfish knits defined: Due to limited crafting time I've decided only the kids are getting something handknit/crocheted this year. The rest of the year is knitting for Babygirl and I. And no, I'm not being mean excluding hubs, he's not much of a handknits kind of guy. He's set on blankets and hats, when he wants another he'll get it.)
Anyway...this year is going to be a different kind of Christmas for us. Due to Christmas being in the middle of the week, hubby's work schedule and Babygirl being so young, we've decided we can't go home for Christmas. The decision was not easy, but it's best for our little family at this time. Although I know it's the right decision for us I'm still having a hard time with it. (Being a grown-up sucks sometimes!) This will be the first year I am not home for Christmas. We've had a good run, being away from home for 9 and a half years and only missing one Thanksgiving because of a bad snowstorm. We will be going home during December to celebrate with family, it'll just be a different day. At this point there is talk of some family coming to visit us for Christmas, but it's all very up in the air right now.
I've decided that regardless of where Christmas is this year, I need some help with the organization part of it. It's no secret that since Babygirl's been born I feel very scatterbrained. Sometimes I find it hard to figure out where to start my big projects. I recently stumbled across Organized Christmas and am hoping it helps me with Christmas/holiday planning this year. As an added bonus, if I follow the plan my house will get the "deep cleaning" it so desperately needs and we'll be ready for overnight guests! And using the card list, maybe I'll finally get to updating my address book. That way I can stop sending those "Hey, I've got somethign for you...need your address" texts/fb messages.
I love Christmas. Normally around June/July I'll start picking up things for Christmas and making my list. I started that to help me with the knit/crochet gifts planning. As this year's theme is "Selfish Crafting" I don't have to worry too much about that. (Selfish knits defined: Due to limited crafting time I've decided only the kids are getting something handknit/crocheted this year. The rest of the year is knitting for Babygirl and I. And no, I'm not being mean excluding hubs, he's not much of a handknits kind of guy. He's set on blankets and hats, when he wants another he'll get it.)
Anyway...this year is going to be a different kind of Christmas for us. Due to Christmas being in the middle of the week, hubby's work schedule and Babygirl being so young, we've decided we can't go home for Christmas. The decision was not easy, but it's best for our little family at this time. Although I know it's the right decision for us I'm still having a hard time with it. (Being a grown-up sucks sometimes!) This will be the first year I am not home for Christmas. We've had a good run, being away from home for 9 and a half years and only missing one Thanksgiving because of a bad snowstorm. We will be going home during December to celebrate with family, it'll just be a different day. At this point there is talk of some family coming to visit us for Christmas, but it's all very up in the air right now.
I've decided that regardless of where Christmas is this year, I need some help with the organization part of it. It's no secret that since Babygirl's been born I feel very scatterbrained. Sometimes I find it hard to figure out where to start my big projects. I recently stumbled across Organized Christmas and am hoping it helps me with Christmas/holiday planning this year. As an added bonus, if I follow the plan my house will get the "deep cleaning" it so desperately needs and we'll be ready for overnight guests! And using the card list, maybe I'll finally get to updating my address book. That way I can stop sending those "Hey, I've got somethign for you...need your address" texts/fb messages.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Sticky Art
Babygirl's playgroup came over for an art project yesterday. I'd like to say the lack of pictures is because we were having so much fun that I just forgot to take my camera out. The reality is not so pretty: Babygirl was up from 10pm - 3:30am the night before (love teething!), then got up at 7am and my brain was fried. I took the camera out and left it in plain sight....but did I take any pictures...nope. The pictures below are all after the fact.
Here's what I call Sticky Art (Step by step directions at the end of the post):
Basically you take clear contact paper and stick "stuff" to it, then back it with a piece of construction paper.
Here's the "stuff" we used: feathers, pom poms, yarn snippets, foam shapes and letters, stickers, ribbon flowers, and construction paper shapes.
Here are Babygirl's Sticky Art Collages:
Step by step directions:
1. Cut a piece of contact paper a bit larger than your construction paper.
2. Take the backing off the contact paper and tape the contact paper to your work surface. Sticky side up :)
3. Place your "stuff" on the contact paper, pushing down slightly so it sticks.
4. Once finished you will place the construction paper over the contact paper. Apply a little pressure so the contact paper sticks to the construction paper. Smooth out any air pockets that may form as you go.
5. Since you cut the contact paper larger than the construction paper you will be left with a contact paper edge. Fold this edge over the construction paper. At the end you will have some "extra" contact paper in the corners. You can fold it over and tape it to the back of your art or cut it off.
Here's what I call Sticky Art (Step by step directions at the end of the post):
Basically you take clear contact paper and stick "stuff" to it, then back it with a piece of construction paper.
Here's the "stuff" we used: feathers, pom poms, yarn snippets, foam shapes and letters, stickers, ribbon flowers, and construction paper shapes.
Here are Babygirl's Sticky Art Collages:
Step by step directions:
1. Cut a piece of contact paper a bit larger than your construction paper.
2. Take the backing off the contact paper and tape the contact paper to your work surface. Sticky side up :)
3. Place your "stuff" on the contact paper, pushing down slightly so it sticks.
4. Once finished you will place the construction paper over the contact paper. Apply a little pressure so the contact paper sticks to the construction paper. Smooth out any air pockets that may form as you go.
5. Since you cut the contact paper larger than the construction paper you will be left with a contact paper edge. Fold this edge over the construction paper. At the end you will have some "extra" contact paper in the corners. You can fold it over and tape it to the back of your art or cut it off.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
WIP Wednesdays
Wip Wednesdays:
WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:
I feel like such a slacker. This is all I've worked on since Friday:
Really not sure what's going on with me and knitting/crocheting right now. I'm just not feeling it :( At this point I'm not sure what to do. Do I step back and take a little break? Start something new? Force myself to work on what I've got on the hooks needles? I don't like feeling this way. Knitting and crocheting are my stressbusters. They usually help me to relax. Right now, not so much. I'm hoping this passes quickly.

I feel like such a slacker. This is all I've worked on since Friday:
Really not sure what's going on with me and knitting/crocheting right now. I'm just not feeling it :( At this point I'm not sure what to do. Do I step back and take a little break? Start something new? Force myself to work on what I've got on the hooks needles? I don't like feeling this way. Knitting and crocheting are my stressbusters. They usually help me to relax. Right now, not so much. I'm hoping this passes quickly.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Year of Projects:Sunday Update #7
Socks that Rock plain vanillas are moving right along. I'm turning the heel now. I love this yarn, it's a bit thicker than the other yarn I've worked with. These socks are going to keep me nice and warm this winter.
The Lacy Cardigan has been neglected once again this week. I'm just not feeling it right now. Which is not good as I plan to wear this to Rhinebeck in October. I did add four hexipuffs to my collection though. I'll try to update with a picture when I locate my camera. We had a very long day yesterday and I have not unpacked our bag yet.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Healthy Eats: Canned Tomatoes
Have been turned into these:
One more batch and I should be good to get through next summer. There's nothing better than opening a jar of garden tomatoes in the middle of the winter! Next up: salsa
I must say, canning is definitely more challenging with a toddler running around. And this was a relatively simple can. I waited until Babygirl went to bed to do this. She woke up about an hour after I started. Daddy's going to need to be home when I do the salsa.
Have been turned into these:
Canned tomatoes
I must say, canning is definitely more challenging with a toddler running around. And this was a relatively simple can. I waited until Babygirl went to bed to do this. She woke up about an hour after I started. Daddy's going to need to be home when I do the salsa.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Tomatoes, Tomatoes Everywhere!!!
Last night was supposed to be a freezer meal cooking session. I had three breakfast recipes ready to go. While mixing up some Baked Oatmeal Muffins a friend called with an offer of two free bushels of tomatoes from her neighbor (a farmer). So I went from making these:
To dealing with these babies:
(This is only half.) Looks like freezer cooking has been pushed back. The tomatoes can't wait. Last night I prepped all the jars. Today is going to be all about canning!
To dealing with these babies:
(This is only half.) Looks like freezer cooking has been pushed back. The tomatoes can't wait. Last night I prepped all the jars. Today is going to be all about canning!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Peach Picking 2012
This is the fourth year that hubs and I have gone peach picking at a local orchard. They don't have a peach picking season, but will open a weekend or two each year for peaches. Every year I wait for that email and hope we don't have plans on peach picking weekend.
Last year Babygirl's grandparents came with us. Turns out that Grandpa H was here for this peach picking weekend as well.
Like previous years we've picked quite the crop:
These are probably the best peaches I've had in *years*! So juicy it's unreal. I'm not even going to pretend that these will last for canning/jellymaking. I've already planned my return visit to the farm to purchase a bushel for canning/baking/freezing.

Here's a picture of me and Babygirl. Not the best, but I'm hooking up with Embrace the Camera over at Anderson Family Crew because in a nutshell I don't have many pictures of Babygirl and I together. I'm theone who hides behind the camera photographer. I figure if we keep taking them eventually I'll end up with some I like ;)
Last year Babygirl's grandparents came with us. Turns out that Grandpa H was here for this peach picking weekend as well.
Like previous years we've picked quite the crop:
These are probably the best peaches I've had in *years*! So juicy it's unreal. I'm not even going to pretend that these will last for canning/jellymaking. I've already planned my return visit to the farm to purchase a bushel for canning/baking/freezing.

Here's a picture of me and Babygirl. Not the best, but I'm hooking up with Embrace the Camera over at Anderson Family Crew because in a nutshell I don't have many pictures of Babygirl and I together. I'm the
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Year of Projects: Sunday Update #6
Still working on my lacy cardigan and a pair of socks. It is growing slowly. Time to pick up the pace on it so I can have it done in time for Rhinebeck. I still have to look for buttons for it. No picture as there really isn't much new to see.
Hexipuffs: Did three this week:
Took out the minis from my last swap:
This will be the next round of hexipuff knitting. Hopefully I'll get the 20 I need for July and August out of this batch of yarn.
My List:
UFOs:1. Hubby's blanket (just needs to be sewn together)
2. Kool Wool Sweater
3. Rainbow shawl
4. L's blanket
Craft Fair:
Make 30 items
1. Babygirl:
2. Cousin J: hat?
3. Cousin Crash: car hat
4. L:
5. M:
6. Gma:
New Projects:
1. Irish Sweater:
2. Socks that Rock Socks (in progress)
4. Babygirl Sweater 2
5. 120 Hexipuffs (10 a month) (3 down, 117 to go)
6. socks
7. sweater: Lacy Cardigan (in progress)
8. colorwork
9. shawl
10. Solar Flare (in progress)
11. my stocking
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Lego Build and Read
Babygirl and I had the opportunity to attend a Lego Build and Read Party a few days ago. Our friend Christine was chosen to host the Lego Build and Read Party through House Party. Christine opened her house to our playgroup so we could come check out these new toys from Lego. She was sent the Busy Farm set for the kids to try. The book describes Farmer Ted's day on the farm while showing how to build the animals with the Lego pieces.
Babygirl had a blast playing with The Busy Farm set. She loves books, but being able to help build the animals took it to a new level for her. The books say ages 1 1/2 to 4 years on them. While Babygirl had a blast playing with them the older kids, not so much. There were a couple of 4s/5s there. Once they went through the book and made the animals that was it for them. I'd put these more in the 1 1/2 to 3 age range.
In the end, it was good that the older kids lost interest because there were only four book sets sent with the party kit. Christine, being the wonderful person that she is, had made up some goody bags for the kids. (She didn't want anyone to be left out, as there were 10 kids invited and only the four books sent.)
Currently there are two other Build and Read sets: Grow Caterpillar Grow and Let's Go Vroom. I look forward to checking these out with Babygirl. I've spotted them in my local Target for $12.99, but being thecheap frugal momma I am, I'll be on the lookout for a sale!
Babygirl had a blast playing with The Busy Farm set. She loves books, but being able to help build the animals took it to a new level for her. The books say ages 1 1/2 to 4 years on them. While Babygirl had a blast playing with them the older kids, not so much. There were a couple of 4s/5s there. Once they went through the book and made the animals that was it for them. I'd put these more in the 1 1/2 to 3 age range.
In the end, it was good that the older kids lost interest because there were only four book sets sent with the party kit. Christine, being the wonderful person that she is, had made up some goody bags for the kids. (She didn't want anyone to be left out, as there were 10 kids invited and only the four books sent.)
Currently there are two other Build and Read sets: Grow Caterpillar Grow and Let's Go Vroom. I look forward to checking these out with Babygirl. I've spotted them in my local Target for $12.99, but being the
Friday, August 10, 2012
Quick Eats
What's a mom to do when faced with a jam packed weekend....(besides throw out the healthy eats post ;) )
Bring out the pouch!
We've got a fun filled weekend ahead of parties and family visits. Then on Sunday I am hosting my Crochet Guild's monthly meeting. So I started some baking tonight. I added oatmeal to the blueberry and bananas to the chocolate chip just to jazz it up a bit.
From pouch to pan in five minutes! Shhh, I didn't even use a mixing bowl:
These babies were out of the oven within 20 minutes of ripping open the pouches :)
Gotta love those baking pouches!!!
Linked up at:
Bring out the pouch!
We've got a fun filled weekend ahead of parties and family visits. Then on Sunday I am hosting my Crochet Guild's monthly meeting. So I started some baking tonight. I added oatmeal to the blueberry and bananas to the chocolate chip just to jazz it up a bit.
From pouch to pan in five minutes! Shhh, I didn't even use a mixing bowl:
These babies were out of the oven within 20 minutes of ripping open the pouches :)
Gotta love those baking pouches!!!
Linked up at:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
WIP Wednesday
Wip Wednesdays:
WIP Wednesdays with Tami's Amis:
Still working on my Lacy Cardigan. Here's the latest picture:
Sorry about the picture, something is going on with my point and shoot camera. I'm hoping it's just the memory card. I'll be getting a new one this weekend to test it. Until then I'm going to have to use my SLR for photos.
Almost finished sock #1. As of last night:

Still working on my Lacy Cardigan. Here's the latest picture:
Sorry about the picture, something is going on with my point and shoot camera. I'm hoping it's just the memory card. I'll be getting a new one this weekend to test it. Until then I'm going to have to use my SLR for photos.
Almost finished sock #1. As of last night:
Babygirl is teething something fierce this week, so there hasn't been much time for knitting. Any free time I have I find myself slipping away to get a quick nap. Hopefully this will be over soon. Poor kid is miserable :(
Monday, August 6, 2012
Menu Planning
It's hot and sticky here in New York. I'm so not in the mood to cook! When it's this hot I try to get dinner made in the morning before it heats up too much. This week I'm just not into the whole meal planning/cooking thing. (Can't we just have ice cream for dinner ;) ?)
This is what I've got so far:
Monday: Breaded/fried eggplant with ricotta and sliced garden tomatoes
Tuesday: Burgers (BBQ) and corn from the farmstand
Wednesday: salad: lettuce, tomato, homemade crutons
Thursday: ???
Friday: homemade pizza with veggies
Saturday: ???
I'm off to scour thenet Pinterest for some more ideas...
What are you making? Got any quick and easy recipes to share?
This is what I've got so far:
Monday: Breaded/fried eggplant with ricotta and sliced garden tomatoes
Tuesday: Burgers (BBQ) and corn from the farmstand
Wednesday: salad: lettuce, tomato, homemade crutons
Thursday: ???
Friday: homemade pizza with veggies
Saturday: ???
I'm off to scour the
What are you making? Got any quick and easy recipes to share?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Year of Projects: Sunday Update #5
I've been working on my lacy cardigan and a pair of socks. Thanks to knit night this week and Babygirl's teething letting up I've been getting some knitting done. Here's the cardigan:
Moving right along on the socks:
Going to continue working these two projects for the near future and add some hexipuffs. Looking back over my list I saw that I listed 10 a month...haven't done any yet. Oops!
My List:
UFOs:1. Hubby's blanket (just needs to be sewn together)
2. Kool Wool Sweater
3. Rainbow shawl
4. L's blanket
Craft Fair:
Make 30 items
1. Babygirl:
2. Cousin J: hat?
3. Cousin Crash: car hat
4. L:
5. M:
6. Gma:
New Projects:
1. Irish Sweater:
2. Socks that Rock Socks (in progress)
4. Babygirl Sweater 2
5. 120 Hexipuffs (10 a month)
6. socks
7. sweater: Lacy Cardigan (in progress)
8. colorwork
9. shawl
10. Solar Flare (in progress)
11. my stocking
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